Landing Page

Achieve your conversion goals faster by promoting a unique product or service campaign with the creation of Landing Pages.

Increase your company's ROI and databases by offering specialized landing pages that attract leads, generate more sales, and quickly increase the completion rate of forms.

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Increase Your Orders Get More Leads Increase ROI

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    Why do I need to have a landing page?

    Today, 48% of marketers create a new landing page for each new campaign. This is because the creation of an optimal landing page has the ability to increase a company's conversions by more than 67%.

    Discover how a landing page will help you generate more leads and increase your company's sales:


    It is the conversion rate of a landing page across all industries.


    Customized calls to action are what convert personalized calls to action vs. default versions.


    The main landing pages are ranked on Google Maps and in organic search query results.

    8 Reasons to Use Landing Pages

    Increase Orders
    A landing page focused on selling a specific product or service is what is needed for customers to complete their purchase, giving them all the reasons to do so as quickly as possible and demonstrating everything they can get if they complete their order.
    Get More Leads
    A complete form means an extra opportunity to convert a lead into a prospect. A well-crafted landing page can facilitate that conversion by providing what your potential customers are looking for and in the way they need it.
    Increase the company's database.
    Through optimized and comprehensive forms, **you will obtain data from your future clients, leads, and current consumers** with which you can then reach them and begin to build the loyalty you expect.
    Establish better communication with your website users.
    The traffic of a landing page increases by sending contacts from different platforms. Once they arrive, they can download content or complete a specific form to obtain some type of valuable content. You will be able to use the contact information provided by visitors, then, to maintain your relationship via email, with newsletter offers, or you can create forms based on what users expect to make decisions based on that, establishing a closer connection with their needs.
    Achieve an Increase in Form Completion Rate
    A landing page designed specifically for form completion will leave no room for doubts to abandon it. Creating optimal fields to complete based on the company's goals and customer needs are undoubtedly the tools that will ensure the success of your forms. Statistically, it is known that reducing the number of form fields can result in a 120% increase in conversions.
    Increase ROI
    Investing in landing pages entails a lower cost than designing a traditional website, and it has the ability to offer great results. Thus, it is capable of increasing the average customer transaction value, attracting new leads to focus on or new lead magnet downloads, which will make the return on investment much faster.
    Promote a unique campaign, service, or product.
    A specialized landing page for a product, service, or campaign will highlight what is necessary for the company at the right moment and place. If you promote your offer through your sales channels or social networks, the click that takes your customers to the landing page must be specific and provide everything they expect from that offer.
    Reduce the abandonment rate
    A landing page focused on a single campaign will be specifically designed with that goal in mind. Thus, we eliminate all distractions that the user might find as a means of escape, enhancing the chances of achieving higher conversion in a single visit.

    What do we offer you?

    Currently, the ability to focus on a single goal is threatened by the dispersion of the audience when encountering multiple stimuli and escape routes within the same website. A specialized landing page within your site is the key to achieving the expected conversions quickly and easily, without giving the customer the chance to leave it.
    Discover how we can achieve this:


    Get direct, measurable, and reliable results.


    Use Landing Pages within your marketing strategy.
    Screenshot 2023-01-01 at 10.01.30 pm


    Perform unique actions with our cutting-edge technology.
    Screenshot 2023-01-01 at 9.57.29 pm

    Development Process

    The 6 steps to create a landing page that boosts your company's conversions are:

    1. Role Definition
    We will focus on establishing the sections for product or service categories your landing page will offer, in addition to contact methods, frequently asked questions, and more.

    2. Layout Design
    In this step, the color palette, typography, logo placement, structures, and page sections are designed. Once designed, the sections are sent for approval.

    3. Code Implementation
    Once approved, the layouts are sent to the developers to start the coding process. The development is divided into two stages: the Frontend stage, where the visible part of the page is developed; and the Backend stage, where the functional part of the page is developed.

    4. Content Implementation
    Content implementation involves adding all the text and graphics provided by the company to the website.

    5. Site Testing
    The landing page is tested end-to-end with the goal of identifying any anomalies. Google Tag Manager, Analytics, and remarketing are also tested.

    6. Staff Training
    To understand how the platform is used, coordinated training with the staff who will manage the page in the future is necessary. We will explain the entire web navigation process.

    Are you worried about your landing page working correctly? What if it doesn't yield good results?

    Don't be afraid to try it, here's why:

    #1 Not knowing how to analyze sales or completed forms

    Le brindaremos códigos de seguimiento para analizar distintas métricas, como pedidos, formularios completos, efectividad del diseño, alcance de la audiencia, tiempo de permanencia y tasa de rebote, entre otras.

    #2 That the page is difficult to navigate

    Haremos varios análisis de navegación previos al lanzamiento de la página para mejorar la experiencia del usuario y crear una landing page amigable que sea fácil de navegar.

    #3 That the landing page is not adapted to mobile phones

    Se creará una versión de escritorio y una para móviles según la necesidad de cada empresa, para no perder clientes que navegan desde su celular (responsive design).

    #4 That it has an unappealing aesthetic

    La estética de la landing page estará adaptada a la marca, y se utilizarán técnicas de diseño innovadoras que garanticen una landing page atractiva y profesional para su empresa.

    #5 That it's expensive to maintain

    Los costos de mantenimiento de su landing page son relativamente bajos. La inversión en una página de destino para conversiones se recupera fácilmente luego de cumplir su objetivo, y su mantenimiento se cubrirá rápidamente con la atracción de nuevos clientes.

    #6 That it's difficult to manage

    El panel de control para su administración tendrá un diseño amigable y será fácil de utilizar, para que no tenga que preocuparse por cuestiones informáticas que desconoce. Le enseñaremos a utilizarlo finalizado nuestro servicio.

    #7 That the page is slow

    A hosting with scheduled fast response using standard languages will be implemented for faster loading. Our tools will analyze the load speed of your landing page and optimize it for improved speed.

    #8 Not being able to optimize the campaign

    We will provide you with training services so you know how to enhance your campaign in the easiest way in the future.

    What if it's not as efficient as a regular website?

    We'll show you that there's no chance of that happening:

    #1 That it's difficult to make a purchase

    Providing the best user experience is our goal. We want your landing page to be user-friendly, easy to use, and with all the necessary guides to help users complete their purchase in a single visit.

    #2 That it's not safe to leave your data

    One of the main reasons users are still hesitant to make purchases or leave their data online is due to unfamiliarity or distrust in using online systems. Our landing page creation service will provide the necessary security, as it features various data protection systems to back it up.

    #3 Not receiving the valuable and interesting content expected by email

    The newsletters will be specially created with content that your target customers expect to find, and will have exclusive information to offer them. There's no reason they wouldn't be of interest if they decided to fill out their information.

    #4 Opening it causes viruses on your device

    One of the biggest fears when opening an ad or clicking on a link is that the landing page might have viruses or provide too much unwanted or dangerous content. The design of your website will be basic, in line with your company, and not overloaded with images and data that cause distrust or increase the abandonment rate.

    Know the features and functions of your Landing Page creation service


    Research and development of parameters
    Depending on your company's objectives, whether it's lead generation, increasing product orders, or receiving more inquiries and completed forms, we will gather different types of data to start working with, such as existing company forms that are not performing, landing pages with broken links, and other product pages.

    Additionally, we will analyze your institutional website to determine what to base our design of your landing page on and how to maintain your brand values intact.
    The design of your platform will be easy to use and attractive. We employ innovative techniques in the market to make your site unique, ensuring it is viewable on both mobile and desktop devices, with proper link and landing page functionality, and an effective purchasing system to complete transactions in a single visit.

    The design process will be conducted online to provide greater flexibility when making adjustments and shorten review times. We'll create an initial version of the website and provide access to the client so they can visualize and interact with the site before completion.

    Within your landing page, various elements can be utilized to capture the customer's attention, such as enticing headlines, success stories, testimonials, or data influencing conversion. For the sake of focus, we will not include links or calls to action leading to other areas of the page, as they could serve as an escape route, hindering desired conversions.

    Additionally, multimedia can be included to aid in conversion, such as videos or infographics serving as guides about the product or service offered, and links to other company channels to increase followers across all platforms.

    Service Completion

    We will provide various training sessions so that the personnel responsible for handling your website's landing pages understand how the website works and the most important tools in the control panel.

    Service Completion


    Regulation with PSD2 Normative
    This regulation serves to protect your users' data and prevent their card details from being used for any purpose other than paying for the product or service. Our goal is to ensure that users feel confident in making online purchases with their credit cards so that sales increase due to payment convenience.

    Our Plans

    We show you the different options we have according to your needs. If you feel you need a call before making a decision, click on the WhatsApp icon or fill out the form to request a meeting.

    Durante 6 meses

    Única vez

    • Advanced Plan

      $87/ for 6 months

      For Entrepreneurs

      Fast Extra Charge
      Smart Form
      Calls to Action
      Mobile Devices Adaptation
      Analytics Integration
      Pro Plan

      $109/ for 6 months

      For Businesses

      Fast Extra Charge
      Smart Form
      Calls to Action
      Mobile Devices Adaptation
      CRO Integration
      Social Media Integration
      Analytics Integration
      Newsletter Subscription
      Elite Plan

      $115/ for 6 months

      For Businesses

      Fast Extra Charge
      Smart Form
      Calls to Action
      Mobile Devices Adaptation
      CRO Integration
      Social Media Integration
      Analytics Integration
      Newsletter Subscription
      Lead Magnet + Article
    • Advanced Plan

      $499/ one-time

      For entrepreneurs

      Extra Fast Charging
      Smart Form
      Calls to Action
      Mobile Adaptation
      Analytics Integration
      Pro Plan

      $619/ one-time

      For companies

      Extra Fast Charging
      Smart Form
      Calls to Action
      Mobile Adaptation
      CRO Integration
      Social Media Integration
      Analytics Integration
      Newsletter Subscription
      Elite Plan

      $649/ one-time

      For companies

      Extra Fast Charging
      Smart Form
      Calls to Action
      Mobile Adaptation
      CRO Integration
      Social Media Integration
      Analytics Integration
      Newsletter Subscription
      Lead Magnet + Article

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Still have doubts? Take a look at our FAQ about Landing Pages below.

    What is the difference between a landing page and a company website?

    The difference between a landing page and a company website lies in the conversion goal. In a landing page, the user is not distracted; they receive the necessary information and, if interested, will leave their details. Landing pages are not created with the goal of ranking on Google but rather to attract the highest number of leads as quickly as possible. Websites, on the other hand, serve as a brand recognition method, showcasing the company's values or product catalog, among other things.

    Is it necessary to have a business WhatsApp?

    No, you can connect your company's landing page to your personal WhatsApp, although it is recommended to have a business one to avoid communication problems or mistakes in chat responses. Additionally, a business WhatsApp can set up automatic response messages according to your customer service preferences.

    Is there another way to communicate in real-time other than WhatsApp?

    Yes, we can offer our ChatBot service for automated live communication that is tailored to various user queries through the keywords they use. You can inquire about this service without any commitment.

    Does Crawpic handle integration in WordPress?

    Yes, you can provide us access to your account, and we will take care of the connections.

    Does having a form on my institutional website turn it into a landing page?

    No. A landing page specializes in achieving specific conversion goals, it does not contain much more information about the company or its qualities. An institutional website is much broader. There may be a form, but that does not turn it into a landing page.

    What is a conversion goal?

    A conversion goal can be completing any action you want a user to take. This could be downloading an ebook, lead magnet, signing up for a free trial, making a purchase, making an inquiry, filling out a form, or registering for an event, among many other things.

    For how long can the same landing page be maintained?

    All landing pages can be created at any time and continuously receive traffic. They shouldn't require much updating (although template design is constantly updated, and there may be something new you prefer). As long as you have an optimized funnel that delivers traffic to these pages (through your blog, homepage, etc.) and converts leads into sales, these landing pages can be relied upon for months or even years at a time. Remember that if your goals or ads change, the website must change accordingly.

    Where can I put links to landing pages?

    Links can be placed in various locations. The most commonly used ones are: within a Google ad or search engine, within your website, within your social media page (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn), or through emails.