Corporate Website

Increase your presence and showcase your products or services to the world through your new Institutional Website.

Attract potential domestic and international clients through a website that strengthens your brand image and retains your current customers through the most successful marketing strategies.

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Attract more leads to your company Get a complete website with a low investment Attract more leads to your company

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    Why do I need to have an institutional website?

    Show your website visitors who you are is as important as showing what you have to offer. That's why institutional websites are responsible for providing seriousness, credibility, and strength to a brand or company. In it, you will capture everything you want for your company, such as your unique selling points, philosophy, mission, and brand values. Its attractive design, furthermore, will translate into a significant number of solid sales.

    Are you ready to showcase your company to the world?


    It is the number of users on the internet compared to the world population.


    The branch is open 24 hours. Users can browse our products, resolve inquiries, and even make purchases regardless of the day, time, or location, allowing us to keep our store open 24/7.


    Of companies have a website.

    8 Reasons to Use an Institutional Website

    Having an institutional website that serves as the company's introduction.
    A business website is dedicated to conveying the company's values and its plans for behavior within the market. Typically, a website includes sections such as "mission and vision," information about the company's history, its employees or managers, and much more information that may be useful for users seeking to learn more about the company in question.
    Geographical expansion
    One of the best qualities of institutional websites is achieving visibility nationally and internationally without the need to invest a high cost. Your website will be available 24 hours with quick responses in standard languages for any user inquiries worldwide. It will serve as your introduction to the outside world.
    A complete website with a low investment
    Our institutional website creation service is comprehensive and takes care of creating all the necessary sections to clearly convey your company's values and best qualities. The investment will be a one-time for development and implementation, and then you can enjoy a website that attracts clients and sales to quickly achieve ROI.
    Ability to communicate quickly with website users.
    Each section of the website will have query forms for users to complete in case they need assistance, from which they can then obtain contact information to maintain communication. Additionally, you can offer newsletter subscription on the homepage or invite to a direct conversation via WhatsApp to address their concerns more quickly.
    Obtaining inquiries about the company's objectives and its products or services
    One of the objectives of having a company website is to serve as a communication channel with users, potential customers, who seek more information about what it can offer. By being able to showcase its products in detailed sections, users will have the opportunity to learn and inquire about all their qualities through all sections of the website.
    Attract more leads to your company
    A business website is responsible for exposing all the qualities of the company and how they can be used to satisfy the needs of the customers. A visitor who enters your institutional website will be able to know exactly what benefits they will get when starting to engage with you, which will help increase lead generation with the first website visits.
    Innovative design techniques for your entire website
    We have the best design tools and innovative techniques in the market to create an original and attractive website that adapts to what today's users expect to find.
    Increase future sales
    While the primary goal of institutional websites is not to sell products, presenting a website that showcases and details the latest additions to your catalog or the most important services will help in closing sales in the future after establishing successful contact with the customer.

    What do we offer?

    Currently, it is more common to find companies that prefer to make themselves known through social media or product stores. However, these modalities sometimes do not allow a user to fully understand how the company operates, what its philosophy is, and what motivates it to offer its products or services. Institutional websites were created with the purpose of attracting and getting closer to future clients in a more personal way. Discover how we can achieve this:


    Get direct, measurable, and reliable results.


    Incorporate Institutional Websites into your marketing strategy.

    Development Process

    The 7 steps to create a comprehensive and successful institutional website are:

    1. Navigation Definition (3 business days)
    We plan how the website will be navigated through a site map. This step is important to achieve user-friendly and secure navigation. We will focus on avoiding navigation confusion.

    2. Function Definition (2 business days)
    Once we know the navigation that the page will follow, we will focus on the sections of product or service categories it offers, contact methods, frequently asked questions, and much more.

    3. Layout Design (15 business days)
    In this step, the color palette, typography, logo placement, page structures, and sections are designed. Once designed, the sections are sent for approval.

    4. Code Implementation (15 business days)
    Once approved, the layouts are sent to the programmers to begin adapting them to code. The development is divided into two stages: Frontend stage, where the visible part of the page is developed; Backend stage, where the functional part of the page is developed.

    5. Content Implementation (5 business days)
    Content implementation involves inserting all the texts and graphics provided by the company into the website. In case you don't have the expertise, we can provide a quote for the writing of exclusive articles or entire sections.

    6. Site Testing (3 business days)
    The website is thoroughly tested from end to end to detect any anomalies. Google Tag Manager, Analytics, and remarketing are also tested.

    7. Staff Training (4-5 hours)
    To understand how the platform works, it is necessary to conduct coordinated training with the staff who will manage the website in the future. We will explain the navigation process throughout the entire website.

    Are you concerned about how your website might be perceived? What if it's too difficult to handle?

    Below, we address our clients' concerns and provide answers for their peace of mind:

    #1 User not understanding the products or services being sold

    A preliminary brief will be created together with the company to understand the benefits of the products and services they offer, with the aim of being clearer in conveying them on the website.

    #2 User not understanding who the company is

    Within the preliminary brief, the values, mission, and vision of the company, as well as the overall philosophy of the organization, will be established to know how to convey them in the corresponding section of the website.

    #3 Slow webpage

    We will implement a fast responsive hosting scheduled with standard languages for faster loading times.
    Additionally, we have speed analysis tools to analyze the loading speed of your website and optimize it for enhanced performance.

    #4 Difficult navigation on the website

    We will conduct several navigation analyses prior to the launch of the institutional website to improve the user experience and create a user-friendly page that is easy to navigate.

    #5 Expensive maintenance

    The maintenance costs of a website are low. There is a single investment required at the beginning of our service, and then the maintenance cost is relatively low.

    #6 Difficult to manage

    The control panel for your management will have a user-friendly design and will be easy to use, so you don't have to worry about unfamiliar technical issues. We will teach you how to use it once our service is completed.

    #7 Not adapted for mobile devices

    We will create both desktop and mobile versions according to the needs of each company, so as not to lose customers who browse from their mobile devices (responsive design).

    #8 Unfavorable aesthetics

    The aesthetics of your website will be tailored to your brand, and we will employ innovative design techniques to ensure an attractive and professional site for your company.

    What happens if users don't find what they're looking for?

    Your website won't disappoint you. Here are several questions we pose:

    #1 Difficulty navigating or finding information

    Our goal is to provide the best user experience. We want the journey through your website to be user-friendly, easy to navigate, and with all the guidance necessary for the user to feel satisfied in a single visit.

    #2 Not finding the valuable and interesting content they expected

    The content of your website will be created based on what your company offers and what you believe your target customers are needing. We will strive to create valuable content to provide them, with the aim of becoming a reference page in future searches.

    Discover the features and functions of our Institutional Website Creation service

    Research and Development

    Competitive Analysis
    At this moment, the movements of the competition will be analyzed, how their web pages are and how they act in front of the audience. We want to offer the best experience we can within the market, with the most complete information. We will detect the most important aesthetic characteristics and functionalities of both direct and indirect competition.
    Preceding Brief
    Together with the company, we will create a brief that gathers different types of data to start working on its website, such as mission and vision, contact information, products or services it sells, and its promotions, among many others. Our goal is to offer a complete and reliable website.

    Additionally, we will analyze other channels of your company, if any, to understand what to base the website design on and how to maintain your brand values intact.


    We will create a site map to plan how the website navigation will be structured. This step is crucial to ensure that users do not get confused while navigating the website. We will include all relevant sections, how each one will be accessed through navigation panels, and much more.

    We will allocate 3 business days for planning.
    Code Implementation
    Once approved, the layouts are sent to the programmers to begin the adaptation to the code.

    The development is divided into two stages:

    Frontend Stage: the visible part of the page is developed.

    - Backend Stage: the functional part of the page is developed.

    We will allocate 15 business days for programming.
    Site Testing
    The website is tested end-to-end with the objective of detecting any anomalies. Google Tag Manager, Analytics, and remarketing are also tested.

    We will allocate 3 business days for testing.
    For the launch of your website, we can advise you on how to create a communication strategy to prepare the users who follow you on social media and other channels, such as email, for what you are going to offer them.

    You can offer benefits for the first purchases after the launch, such as discounts or buy-one-get-one-free offers, to attract more customers and give visibility to your page quickly from the start.
    Definition of functionalities
    Once we know the content that will go on the page, we will focus on thinking about what functionalities each section entails, such as contact forms, self-administration, how to upload blog articles, and more.

    We will allocate 2 business days for planning.
    In this stage, we will define the color palette, typography, logo placement, and design of each section.

    The design of your platform will be user-friendly yet attractive. We have innovative techniques in the market that will make your site unique, with possibilities to be viewed on mobile and desktop devices, correct functioning of links and landing pages, and an effective conversion system to carry them out in a single visit.

    Once designed, the proofs will be sent for approval.

    We will allocate 15 business days for the design.
    Content Implementation
    Content implementation involves inserting all the texts and graphics provided by the company on the website.

    In case of not having content available, we can provide a quote for the writing of exclusive articles as well as sections.

    We will allocate 5 business days for delivery.


    Service Completion

    We will provide various training sessions so that the company understands the functioning of the website and the most important tools of the control panel. They will learn how to publish or edit categories or sections of the website and manage the contents (changing images, static content, and descriptions).

    The training will teach the professionals who will be responsible for managing the website in the future how to handle these tools in order to develop different strategies within a time frame of 4 to 5 hours.

    Bonus por Contratarnos

    Además de todos los beneficios que le ofrecen nuestros webinars, le brindamos 7 bonus exclusivos para que garantice y asegure sus resultados:

    #1 Masterclass de ventas con webinars
    Si aún desconoce cómo vender con su webinar, le brindaremos una capacitación exclusiva para que desarrolle y perfeccione la manera de configurar su webinar para generar ventas, tomar pedidos y multiplicar sus clientes. Además le asesoraremos para crear anuncios increíbles de sus productos/servicios para que obtenga mayores ventas de manera consistente y con una perspectiva de calidad; y aprenderá cómo perfeccionar su argumento de venta para transformar a su público objetivo en sus clientes ideales.
    #2 Masterclass de edición exclusiva para webinars
    Este es el curso que necesita para comenzar a editar por sí mismo sus webinars como un profesional. Aprenderá de manera rápida y sencilla a como editar y grabar sus videos marketing, y a realizar una postproducción de calidad sobre los mismos. Es su oportunidad de posicionarse como un experto ante sus usuarios y su competencia, al brindar un webinar de excelencia para todo aquel que asista.
    #3 Aprenda a filmarse como un profesional
    Si el pánico escénico es su obstáculo para producir su video, nuestro curso le brindará una capacitación dedicada y exclusiva para generar un video profesional y de valor, superando tanto a su competencia como a su temor a grabarse. Conocerá y aprenderá de las técnicas y estrategias excepcionales que lo ayudarán a crear y grabar el webinar que usted necesita, controlando sus miedos y evitando errores.
    #4 Master class: cómo integrar profesionalmente los webinars en tu estrategia de marketing
    Se le ofrecerá asesoramiento sobre las estrategias que puede implementar para utilizar su webinar en cada etapa de sus clientes y así multiplicar x3 sus ventas. -Etapa de Reconocimiento: un webinar es una excelente opción para utilizarse como contenido que puede colaborar con originalidad en el reconocimiento y promoción de sus productos/servicios, encontrándonos el usuario como una solución adecuada a su necesidad. -Etapa de Consideración: una vez que su cliente ya lo haya reconocido como una posible solución a su problema, puede realizar acciones para ayudar a su potencial cliente a considerar el producto/servicio que ofrece como la mejor opción para satisfacer su necesidad. Para esto brindará su webinar, con el objetivo de otorgarle a cada usuario contenido de valor e importancia que lo ayudará a decir sobre su compra, colocándose usted por encima de su competencia. -Etapa de Decisión: en este momento, el factor determinante de la decisión de su cliente es el valor o beneficio agregado que puede otorgarle. Se utilizan estrategias de promociones y contenidos exclusivos dentro del webinar, ofertas limitadas, novedades, entre otras acciones que llevan a qualificar una mayor cantidad de leads. -Etapa de Post venta: se realizarán tácticas para retener los actuales clientes para que continúen comprando e interactuando con la marca. Por ejemplo, se puede ofrecer mediante el webinar una participación especial de los clientes, permitiéndoles por ejemplo coparticipar en el mismo, mejorando la fidelización con cada uno. Puede además invitar a celebrities o profesionales que recomienden el producto/servicio, logrando una perspectiva de valor excepcional de nuestro trabajo en los usuarios.
    #5 Grupo Exclusivo de Facebook
    Un grupo único y exclusivo en Facebook donde le compartiremos las novedades y tendencias especiales de marketing para perfeccionar su estrategia de venta. Además, es su oportunidad de encontrarse y recibir herramientas únicas en el mercado para llevar su marca y sus ventas a otro nivel.
    #6 Sus clientes al instante
    Le brindaremos la posibilidad de obtener 200 clientes potenciales para ofrecerles el servicio. ¿Cómo funciona? Nosotros nos encargaremos de enviarle diversos contactos de su interés que iremos seleccionando, analizando las posibilidades que tiene estos usuarios de convertirse en sus clientes.
    #7 Special Bonus:
    Edición de su primer webinar
    ¡Único en el mercado! Editaremos junto con usted su primer webinar para que sus ventas exploten. Nos encargaremos de ir paso a paso para crear el webinar que más desea para presentar sus productos o servicios como nunca antes se ha visto. ¡Ya es hora de comenzar!

    Our Plans

    We present you with the different options we have according to your needs. If you feel that you need a call before making a decision, click on the WhatsApp icon or fill out the form to request a meeting.

    Durante 6 meses

    Única vez

    • Advanced Plan

      $349/ for 6 months

      For Entrepreneurs

      Rapid Extra Charging
      Sections: Up to 6
      Mobile Device Adaptation
      Integration with Analytics
      Pro Plan

      $437/ for 6 months

      For Companies

      Rapid Extra Charging
      Sections: Up to 10
      Mobile Device Adaptation
      Integration with Social Networks
      Integration with Analytics
      Newsletter Subscription
      Elite Plan

      $559/ for 6 months

      For Companies

      Rapid Extra Charging
      Sections: Up to 15
      Mobile Device Adaptation
      Integration with Social Networks
      Integration with Analytics
      Newsletter Subscription
      Corporate Blog (+3 articles)
      Online Chat or Whatsapp
    • Advanced Plan

      $1,999/ One-time payment

      For Entrepreneurs

      Rapid Extra Charging
      Sections: Up to 6
      Mobile Device Adaptation
      Integration with Analytics
      Pro Plan

      $2,499/ One-time payment

      For Companies

      Rapid Extra Charging
      Sections: Up to 10
      Mobile Device Adaptation
      Integration with Social Networks
      Integration with Analytics
      Newsletter Subscription
      Elite Plan

      $3,199/ One-time payment

      For Companies

      Rapid Extra Charging
      Sections: Up to 15
      Mobile Device Adaptation
      Integration with Social Networks
      Integration with Analytics
      Newsletter Subscription
      Corporate Blog (+3 articles)
      Online Chat or Whatsapp

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Do you still have questions? Take a look below at our FAQ about Institutional Websites.

    What is the difference between e-commerce and business website?

    A website typically features a more one-way communication style, including the company's history, its values, and sections offering products. In contrast, an e-commerce site tends to prioritize interaction with users, thus optimizing communication with current and potential customers, while offering a user-friendly comprehensive online catalog and superior customer service. Nevertheless, your website can also include products or services if it doesn't have a separate e-commerce platform.

    The service is paid for only once?

    The development and programming of the institutional website are paid for either as a one-time payment or over 6 months.

    Is it necessary to have a business WhatsApp?

    No, you can connect the company's website to your personal WhatsApp, although it is recommended to have a business one to avoid communication issues or mistakes in chat responses. Additionally, a business WhatsApp can leave automatic response messages according to your customer service preferences.

    Will the website be viewable on any device?

    Yes, we use responsive design tools to ensure that the website adapts to any device.

    How long does the website delivery take?

    Crawpic commits to delivering the project within a maximum of 2 months, excluding business days where Crawpic depends on the client's delivery of materials such as: briefs, photos, videos, texts, and approval times for each stage. The management time will be carried out within a specified period for each stage.

    Does Crawpic take care of positioning my institutional website on search engines?

    Within this service, it is not included. We have the Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) service, which deals with analyzing and optimizing your page for better positioning on search engines using SEO strategies and more. Contact us for a quote.

    What other services does Crawpic offer that can enhance the institutional website?

    We offer various services that can be tailored to this strategy. For example, creating automated emails to maintain relationships with customers or users who visit your website. You can send emails for abandoned carts, product recommendations, or to encourage people to buy again.

    Additionally, we offer the creation of lead magnets or automated webinars to provide special value to customers who decide to download what you can offer.

    Automated webinars can be created quickly: choose any video, and we'll turn it into a professional and automated webinar presentation in just a few minutes. Ultimately, you'll get more traffic or sales on your website.

    Lead magnets are files with valuable content typically offered on a landing page or section of your website where prospects are sent from various traffic sources. The more traffic you send to your link and the more segmented it is, the more leads you can convert. Lead magnets can include toolkits/resource lists, video training, guides or reports, cheat sheets, free trials, discounts, quizzes or surveys, and much more.

    Is there another way to communicate in real-time other than using WhatsApp?

    Yes, we can offer our ChatBot service for automated live communication that is tailored to different user queries through the keywords they use. You can inquire about this service without any commitment.

    What is the investment for the service?

    - Navigating and defining functionalities
    - Design blueprint
    - Frontend and backend development
    - Content implementation
    - Customer education (blog)
    - Testimonials section (provide videos)
    - Site testing
    - Online training
    - Setting up unlimited corporate emails
    - Hosting setup included

    Support (optional)
    - Create email accounts (up to 5 per month)
    - Resolve website queries via email (up to 5 per month)
    - Make changes to Lead Magnet based on optimization (x3)
    - Make changes to Chatbot based on optimization (x3)
    - Make changes to automated webinars based on optimization (x3)
    - Make changes to automated emails based on optimization (x3)
    - Integrate applications with website or actions (x1)
    Maintenance (optional)
    - Website security
    - Lead magnet performance report
    - Automated webinars report
    - Automated Email Marketing report
    - Chatbot report